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Belarus/MTZ starter (with transmission) 12V, Czech, original

Belarus/MTZ starter (with transmission) 12V, Czech, original (0)Belarus/MTZ starter (with transmission) 12V, Czech, original (1)Belarus/MTZ starter (with transmission) 12V, Czech, original (2)Belarus/MTZ starter (with transmission) 12V, Czech, original (3)Belarus/MTZ starter (with transmission) 12V, Czech, original (4)

Belarus/MTZ starter (with transmission) 12V, Czech, original

142,67 EUR (112,34 EUR + VAT)
In stock Normal delivery 9162780
Starter motor with gear ratio for almost all tractors of the Belarus/MTZ familiy, and for JUMZ, T25, T40 tractors as well. Thanks to the gear ratio system it rotates the engine fast and powerful. Despite of the power it uses much less energy from the battery when starting the engine than the former, traditional starter motors. The best and almost only choise for tractors are often used in winter. Czeh product, original version of the gear ratio starter motors. All the other similar starter motors was copied from this, but could not copy the quality. Must be chosen if needs the best, reliable quality beside reasonable price. P=2,7 Kw, 12V, Z=10
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